Wood Supply Chain - Origines du bois
Forest Certification Solutions de certification forestière
Map Wood Supply - Cartographie de chaînes d'approvisionnement
A solution for all
"Mitigating international trade in illegally harvested wood (products) is an international priority."
Sina Leipold 2016
Forests are essential to life. They provide for environmental services and countless resources.
Forests are essential to our well-being. To have better awareness of the state of forests around the world, wood supply chains must be understood in more detail. Information all along the value chain is required.
No matter where you are along the value chain, you are part of the solution. The health of our forests depend on your participation.
Root of the matter
Depending on the value chain, the complexity of the wood supply chain can be overwhelming. Collaboration is necessary to have a common understanding of the state of forests around the world.
Identification of wood supply sources is essential to demonstrate forests' contribution to society.
Collaboration of all the players along the value chain of the forest sector is needed to identify forests of origins. Be it for certification or country regulations, forest management and wood procurement are under high scrutiny.
WoodSupplyChain.com supports your organisation to conform with certification requirements and country importation regulations.
Focus on your business. WoodSupplyChain.com does the rest.